We are a church seeking to live out the Great commission that Jesus has given us, so that we can help more people find and follow Him.

Here At BCC
We are all
about people
We are all about helping people find Jesus!
We are about helping people follow Jesus!
Transforming Lives Through Christ
Church is
not a place
Church is not just a place or a service on the weekend. It is people coming together as the body of Christ to worship Him. It is people connecting with other people, uniting towards common goals and growing in their relationship with God, and with others.

What to Expect
Thanks for choosing to worship with us! Our service includes prayer, a time of praise, the message, offering and communion. There is gluten free bread available at the welcome center for those who need it. There are Guest Packets waiting for you at our Welcome Center, and friendly faces looking forward to meeting you.
Expect a warm, friendly atmosphere. Some of us dress up. Some of us wear jeans. We all love Jesus. We are ordinary people who expect God to do extraordinary things through us. We look forward to connecting and growing alongside you.
The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. Luke 18:27

Email: mitchell@brownstownchristian.org

