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Growing in the Promises of God

Early Learning Ministry

Our mission at Brownstown Christian Church Early Learning Ministry is to transform the lives of our children and their families through Christ.

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About Our School

Brownstown Early Learning Ministry is in session from 6:00 AM to 5:30 PM Monday-Friday offering childcare, preschool and after school care. We strive to present God’s truth with excellence in everything we do. The mission of the Early Learning Ministry is to provide a program that is responsive to the changing needs of the children, parents, staff and community.

We provide excellent care in the areas of spiritual, physical, emotional, and developmental growth for each child in our childcare and preschool programs. We use Creative Curriculum in developing faith based lesson plans in each classroom, toddler – Pre-K, following the Indiana Early Learning Foundations. We offer daily Bible lessons and weekly chapel service, nutritious meals, learning activities, structured playtime, and outdoor activities as part of that mission.

Our Goal

Deliver a rich experience of quality time spent in building relationships, learning and playing together in a manner consistent with BCC ELM’s commitment to help transform children and their families through the power of Christ.

For Children

We strive to maintain a safe, healthy and nurturing environment where the developmental needs of the children are addressed.

For Family

We strive to keep the program affordable, and available. It is our goal to serve as a resource for support and education.

For Staff

We strive to provide an atmosphere that will attract and retain well trained personnel, by maintaining good working conditions.

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.

Matthew 19:14
Toddler Classes

Ones & Twos

Our Early Childhood Program consists of children enrolled in the Ones and Twos Classrooms. Our toddlers learn through activities planned to meet their individual needs. Lesson plans are based on goals set by the Indiana Early Learning Foundations.

In both the Ones and Twos classrooms, teachers create weekly faith-based lesson plans designed for hands-on learning in all subject areas. The Ones Class (open to children 12 months old and walking, who do not still use a bottle) supports children’s language development through targeted activities and through play. We encourage children as they begin to learn simple self-help skills, such as drinking from a cup and using a spoon. In our Twos Classes, teachers continue to support children’s cognitive, social, spiritual, and physical development while beginning the process of potty training. To transition into our Preschool, children must be three years old and potty trained.

Little Learners


BCC ELM’s Preschool includes Threes, Fours, and PreK classes. We are excited to join you in encouraging your child to grow mentally, physically, emotionally, developmentally, socially and spiritually. Our program is designed to accomplish these goals through: daily Bible lessons and weekly chapel service, age appropriate academics and curriculum, structured playtime and outdoor activities, nutritious meals, positive social interactions, and helping them to experience God’s presence in their life naturally each day.

Building up the next generation


Working with the next generation is a high calling, and our employees must meet the standards of BCC and the ELM to be entrusted with the children enrolled in our programs. All preschool teachers have had formal training in Early Childhood Education, Child Development, or a related field. All teachers, including infant and toddler teachers, have previous experiences working with groups of children and receive training focused on infants and toddlers. They have met licensing requirements, First Aid, CPR, Universal Precautions Training and receive formal training. All teachers are required to complete a criminal history and CPS history check prior to employment. All teachers are required to complete 12-20 hours of professional development. We encourage them to continue their education because the best teachers are always learning!

Would you like to be considered for a teaching position?
Contact for more information on our current hiring needs.

Growing in the promises of God


Your child’s spiritual development is our highest priority at Brownstown Christian Church Early Learning Ministry. Our little ones are all growing physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. We focus on helping children grow in the promises of God to fulfill our mission to transform the lives of our children & their families through Christ. It is our privilege and highest honor to not only assist in building the academic foundation for your child, but also their spiritual foundation.

Get in touch.

It is our privilege and honor to be able to serve you and your family on life’s journey!


(812) 358-1702


702 W Spring St, Brownstown, IN 47220
Hours: 6:00am – 5:30pm | Mon-Fri

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